Tuesday, October 18, 2011

RAW (honeymoon part 4/last one!)

About to sample the delights of 'Raw'  - pure, organic, natural, additive free, super healthy fine dining cuisine at its very best - Feeling hungry? Mmmm.....
A little drink (alcohol free of course *wink*!) before lunch to stay hydrated
Cambodian style raw vegetable curry, cauliflower couscous & curry leaf sambal

Here I'm about to tuck in to my Beetroot and green tomato soup with goats cheese and pickled beetroot - absolutely divine

Trio of shaved cabbages, toasted linseed, Asian betel leaves and sweet sesame vinaigrette

No refined white flour or sugar - all great uber healthy nutritious super foods - I wish we had somewhere like this in London (the views from the table would be an added bonus! lol)  

Pizza Raw style! Tuna sashimi on crunchy seeweed, dehydrated dough, Jalapenos, baby sprouts & anchovy aioli

Leaving a restaurant after a four course meal without a bloated stomach is a great feeling

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