Monday, November 7, 2011

Broken collar bone

Bear took this sneaky sleeping pic of me and my brave little trooper in his sling, both knackered after hours spent at the Accident & Emergency yesterday 

My little poor baba broke his collar bone over the weekend. Nor Bear or I saw when he fell down the stairs, but I knew instantly that there was cause for concern and that he was properly injured, from the way he screamed out his pain, and at hospital they confirmed just that. 

Apparently the collar bone (nyckelben in Swedish) is the most frequently fractured bone in children and they are prone to break them because they don't completely harden until adult hood. Having said that, it's very hard to watch your child being in pain and to feel helpless. 

He will wear a sling for the next 3 weeks or so, and thankfully it should heal on its own with no specific therapy.  We will have to make sure he limits his activities but it's a seriously tough job trying to keep a three year old from playing. So far bribery is working well and he sits still in the sofa as long as he get's to play with the ipad :-)

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