Monday, July 29, 2013

Grandpa Laurie visiting

This weekend we had the pleasure of a visit from Bear's Dad, (and Sean's Grandpa) - Laurie. Sean refers to him as 'The giant' as he is 198cm(!) tall and just loved spening time with his farfar :-) 

We spent the weekend eating out at various restaurants such as Ishtar and Summerhouse  and after a traditional Swedish breakfast that I prepared at home. Bear also took his Dad and Sean for a lovely al freso lunch on the lawn at Stoke Park.

It was lovely for us to have the three generations together and we agreed that we must do it more often.. 

Oh, and here is my favourite pic that was simply too good to shrink for the collage:

Father and son, with the envious genes..
Pretty unbelievable to think that these two handsome men are 48 and 73 years old! Now that, you wouldn't have guessed, right?! 

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