Monday, October 31, 2011

A snippet of our Saturday

On Saturday we met up with David and Andrea, the couple we met in the Maldives (and their 19 month old son  - who actually shares Bear’s birthday and was born in the Lindo Wing, just as Sean *coincidence*), at Shoreditch House for some lunch and vino.
As it's a private members club, they do not allow anyone to take photos - despite that I managed to get some sneaky snaps :-) 
The club is over several floors (with ten pin bowling, spa, a gym and even a creche were you can leave your little ones whilst you eat - which we of course took advantage of!).  We ended up in the rooftop restaurant which has incredible views over the capital on to the heated outdoor pool, and all in all it was a great catch up in a lovely venue.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Friday morning..

..and we are walking Daddy to the tube station, on his way to work

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Today is a very sad day for me as my Mum goes back to Sweden, and I won't see her until Christmas. I will officially now spend the next few days in mourning..

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Biggest gift

♥ Motherhood really is the biggest gift imaginable ♥  

Monday, October 24, 2011

New from Abercrombie

Sean having a right laugh at the Regent's Park playground, wearing his new Abercrombie hoodie

Friday, October 21, 2011

Happy weekend!

The sun is shining over the capital today!

1. Today I feel... optimistic and full of life with the gorgeous Autumn weather outside

2. This morning... I had two toasted slices of low GI bread with mashed avocado and salt + pepper, my gf Sara visited me with some beautiful uplifting news and gave me a gorgeous frame, shabby chic-style,  as my wedding gift, dropped off loads of clothes at the dry cleaners as a result of a clear out yesterday, and Mum and I have dusted hovered and mopped the whole flat!

3. This week... I went to the doctor’s yet again, for my restless leg syndrome, and was finally prescribed some medication (that originally is for epilepsy but have tested well with RLS patients) - so I am feeling very hopeful now :-)

4. Last night... I prepared a chili for dinner for Bear, Mum and I and then we watch the video recordings by our camcorder from our honeymoon

5. Currently enjoying... being a wife - it’s invigorating!

6. This weekend I plan to..?
- Have lunch today with Viv at Soho House Brasserie in Chiswick
- Enjoy an intimate cosy cuddly evening tonight with my husband as Mum goes to stay with my brother for a couple of days
- Visit the salon for a blowdry
- Go to a trendy bar/restaurant in Sloane Square on Saturday evening to meet with a couple of Swedish girls, Susie and Anna, for some girly chit chat and vino.
- Sunday is family quality time and will be spent at leisure at our country club Stoke Park.

Have a happy Friday and a fabulous weekend dear readers! XXX

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Too cool for school ;-)

Sean wearing his new leather biker jacket earlier today

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Finally getting that white "new" kitchen table! :-)

Having fully recharged my batteries in the Maldives, I have so much energy right now and am putting it to good use with some DIY painting to freshen up our kitchen table today.  The dark wooden previous colour have been torturing me for quite some time, so I am very excited to see the end result!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

RAW (honeymoon part 4/last one!)

About to sample the delights of 'Raw'  - pure, organic, natural, additive free, super healthy fine dining cuisine at its very best - Feeling hungry? Mmmm.....
A little drink (alcohol free of course *wink*!) before lunch to stay hydrated
Cambodian style raw vegetable curry, cauliflower couscous & curry leaf sambal

Here I'm about to tuck in to my Beetroot and green tomato soup with goats cheese and pickled beetroot - absolutely divine

Trio of shaved cabbages, toasted linseed, Asian betel leaves and sweet sesame vinaigrette

No refined white flour or sugar - all great uber healthy nutritious super foods - I wish we had somewhere like this in London (the views from the table would be an added bonus! lol)  

Pizza Raw style! Tuna sashimi on crunchy seeweed, dehydrated dough, Jalapenos, baby sprouts & anchovy aioli

Leaving a restaurant after a four course meal without a bloated stomach is a great feeling

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Maldivian honeymoon, part 3

The island was conveniently located only 25 mins by speed boat from the airport in Male

Passions shared at Huvafen Fushi

Looking out at the coral reef was a favourite pastime

Sharing a luxurious champagne jacuzzi bath overlooking the ocean - the height of decadence

Heading for a follow up visit to the spa - "Lime"

Taking a break from the sun in the well appointed and air conditioned library and movie theatre (called The Lair)  - a great selection of books, DVDs and magazines - and several Apple Macs with hi speed internet.

Bear enjoying a drink with the resort manager as we wait for the chef to prepare a wonderful multi course barbeque 

This place encouraged peace and tranquility

The resort really shimmered in the afternoon sunshine

Naturally serene surroundings

The sound of the waves gently rolling in was a beautiful and romantic backdrop

To say it was a stylish getaway is an understatement

A glass of freshly squeezed juicy of the day was mandatory every morning

We met a lovely couple of fellow newlywed Londoners, David and Andrea, and here we are enjoying several drinks and later we boogied to music played by the guest DJ  Poet Name Life (official DJ to Black Eyed Peas The END world tour)

Suffice to say we all got on like a house on fire, and we look forward to meeting up with them back home

Bear took the opportunity to enrol on a PADI scuba diving course and loved the experience and being up close to the amazing marine life

We both had to prepare mentally for the inevitable return home

We really had such good fun and laughed a lot..

An exotic breakfast to be followed by an invigorating swim in the ocean was a great way to start the day

We still found time for our caffeine fix

A warm sea breeze as we are enjoying a cool cucumber gazpacho 

I managed to avoid the temptations of the beautiful jewellery on sale at the boutique store (still in love with my shiny new rock on my wedding finger!)

We enjoyed several distinctively dirrerent gastronomic experiences - here at the fine dining restaurant called Salt...

... where we shared the biggest seafood platter ever - so much lobster, crab, prawns, reef fish, calamari, scallops, mussels - it was heavenly and of course we cleared the plate!

Bear with the yoga master by the beach for an hour long session as the sun was setting - serene.

Jet Ski was another one of the activities we tried  -  and boy was it fun! (Bear let me drive for a short time before he took over again!)

Our large  bungalow made us feel protected and invincible with ultimate privacy

We truly loved the Maldives and hope to return again one day in the not too distant future :-)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Lime - the world's first underwater spa

Filling in personal details and requests prior to the spa visit

Once given disposable underwear, slippers and a robe we were seated in the waiting area, where they stylishly had a SMEG fridge full of cold rolled up face towels and bottles of water

The entrance view as you come in to the underwater spa. After the treatment we got to lay down in this cube where they then closed the curtains for privacy

The breathtaking underwater treatment room had us connecting so close to nature

We opted for a couples 90 minute full body and head massage which was heavenly

When we were finished we filled in the guest book with our names and a message for other newly weds or couples to read

Walking away from what was a soul renewing visit