Friday, November 25, 2011


We are going to see Coldplay live at the O2 Arena in December!

... I wish… we had a seriously good top of the range coffee machine at home

... I feel.. excited about my brother Henrik who lives in Sweden and is coming to visit today for the weekend!

... I"ve been thinking... that it’s only 29 days until Christmas!!

... I have been… to for a morning run in Regents Park 

...I'm happy... that we were yesterday invited and have accepted a VIP corporate hospitality event to see Coldplay at the O2 Arena on 9th December

... I plan to... await a grocery delivery, hoover the flat, drop Sean off at nursery for 1pm, have a professional salon blowdry, go to Harley Street for a consultation re a chemical peel for pigmentation spots, get eyelash extension in an brow bar that I’ve never tried before and pop a bottle of bubbly open as soon as my brother arrives!

…currently enjoying… how Sean has now learnt both the English and Swedish alphabet in the space of two weeks, thanks to the ipad

…I am listening to… this

…I love… my new Cartier style panther bracelet

... I can’t believe… my son is turning THREE(!) on Sunday!

…l'm still laughing at... yesterdays episode of “Life’s too short” that I watched with Bear. Love Ricky Gervais and Steven Merchant –  both comedy geniuses!

…I am grateful for… that my GP have finally taken my restless leg syndrome and sleeping problems seriously and have now prescribed proper sleeping tablets (as well as the RLS medication)

Darlings, have a wonderful Friday and a fabulous weekend!

Sean and I out and about yesterday 

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Rouge Noir

Back from the nail salon, and after many ifs and buts regarding what polish to use, I decided to go for an old favourite, Rouge Noir. A very sexy Autumn/Winter colour that adds a bit of an edge without going fully gothic, like I normally do with Chanel's Black Satin :-)

Good morning!

Woke up really jolly today after a second good night's sleep in a row, so not sure why I'm looking sad in this pic lol!  With only 4 degrees outside in London, we wrapped up warm and then we dropped Sean off at nursery together. Now we're enjoying a cooked breakfast at our local gastro pub, The Portman, and it's the first time in months weather doesn't allow us to sit outside.  Really love my Wednesday mornings together with hubby, when everyone else is at work.. It's the little things, isn't it? :-)

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Monday, November 21, 2011

Same style - different colours

Ive done it again, bought the same style (in this case Ralph Lauren cardigan) in different colours. But I think you just can't go wrong with such a timeless piece of clothing that works well during all seasons. I will team it with a pair of jeans and platform ankle boots, or simply with leggings and flat riding boots. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Friday 30th September - a day to remember!

Pictures by David Preutz Photography 

May I introduce.. friend Andrea and her little boy Harry :-) Today the three of us had a day trip to Bicester Village where we picked up a few early Christmas goodies!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Go Sweden!

Tonight at 8pm, England will host Sweden at Wembley.

We haven't lost against England in football since 1968, and we have high hopes the stats will remain the same! And hubby? He will of course be routing for Sweden because he is Scottish, and a proud one too LOL