Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Leisurely luncheon

 Andrea and I in Hush's outside area  taking a lunch and wine break from shopping, as we are blessed with 20 degrees in the capital today :-)

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Our little skier :-)

Sean didn't really enjoy the ski school with other kids- preferring his own personal teacher! So he had the whole kids ski school area just for himself and his instructor Merielle from ESF. He loved the Magic Carpet (above) which transported him up to the top of the slope to start his downhill ski..

Here he is keeping his skis very parallel as he negotiates the mini slalom - not bad for a 3 year old on skis for the first time ever! 

We werent sure if he would enjoy it as he is so young - but after 4 lessons he was loving his skiing and didnt want to stop, and he made his parents very proud! 

Friday, March 23, 2012

The last lunch

The last lunch in Bel Air 1650, before we unfortunately travel home tomorrow :-(
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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Brekkie time!

At 7.30am we were one of the first ones to arrive for the hotel breakfast buffet.

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Monday, March 19, 2012

home comforts

As temperatures drop in the evening, nothing beats curling up in one of the deep armchairs, sipping on a cuppa and toasting your toes in front of our roaring log fire!

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snow sledging

The snow arrived overnight as predicted and it was still snowing as we woke up, which meant no skiing (I will not risk getting caught in a white out as I did a few years back in Vail, Colorado!) -  and therefore today was a dedicated snow sledging/play day.

As the photographs I took describes, Sean absolutely loves playing in the snow and laughed his head off as he peered down the slopes with both Daddy and grandma - a real joy to watch :-)

Holiday haircut

Seany getting an overdue trim from grandma (the only one who's ever cut his hair!). 

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Our skiing holiday so far

We are on our third day of our holiday, and as you can see we have been so lucky with the weather (as always!) and my skiing is getting better and better (because I'm a fair weather skier lol!) Thankfully we have another week to go and tonight we're dining at the very chic La Via Ferrata.

Birthday bouquet from Bear

Hubby had arranged for a local florist here in Trois Vallees to deliver this gigantic stunning bouquet to our apartment. Hope it lasts for the duration of our stay!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Birthday goodie box from Net-A-Porter

I was overwhelmed with gratitude for Bear who had put together this fabulous box of goodies for my 36th birthday yesterday  

Monday, March 12, 2012

Inside Info

Friday evening, prior to hitting the town!

Last song I added to my Spotify list... David Guetta's 'I can only imagine' (ft Chris Brown and Lil Wayne)

To wake myself up I.... don't need an alarm clock as my little man wakes almost on the dot at 6.30am every morning.

Last thing at night I...brush my teeth, take my make up off (if I'm not too tired that is), have a peak in to Sean's room to see if he's kicked off his duvet, and if so I tuck him in, check Twitter and kiss hubby good night

My perfect Sunday is ....together with Sean and Bear-  A brisk walk around the park, a leisurely lunch somewhere outside, and going to bed at 9pm with hubby, watching tv and turning lights off no later than 10pm

The last wedding I went to... at Lake Como in Italy

Last funeral I went to: Bear's mother, in Scotland

I'm currently reading: Only just started the last book of Stieg Larsson's trilogy

On Friday night...we came home at 4am(!) after China Tang at the Dorchester Hotel and a casino in Mayfair

On Saturday night I... shared garlic bread and a pizza with Bear and watched a double episode of American Idol

Before travelling to Courchevel on Wednesday, I plan to... get my nails done in the salon, have a haircut, pack for Sean and I, book appointment at doc to get anti-sickness tablets for Sean (for 90 min car journey from airport to the hotel and our rented apartment), make a shopping list for what food and wine to buy at grocery shop at Geneva airport

Looking forward to...celebrating my 36th birthday on Thursday, with Mum and my boys, drinking champagne on a mountain top restaurant with beautiful scenery and hopefully in the sunshine :-)

I actually had a spare pair of trousers in my handbag on Friday in case the casino wouldn't let me in with ripped jeans! (but to my surprise they did)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Difficulties staying awake part 13

A little someone was so tired after a full day at nursery yesterday, so much so that he fell asleep in the funniest position, fully dressed and all! :-)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

New and noteworthy from Ralph Lauren

This is the end result of today's shopping spree in RL:

 From top to bottom (L to R): 2 piece set for baby girl (present for friend's daughter), 2 cable knit cushions,  pink pique polo top for moi, 5 scented candles, black quilted jacket (Bear),  cream blazer with a crest (me), white hooded top (Bear) 2 swimming shorts, pink and blue (Bear), white cable knit v-neck jumper (me), blue white stripey shirt (Sean),  dark blue slip-over (Sean)

My favourite purchase were the cushions for our bed, here showing the front and back