Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Last minute shopping

Final touches for the flat before guests starts arriving includes long stemmed white Hydrangeas and candles from Diptyque

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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A snippet of Saturday..

..which was my last night out as a singleton LOL.  Seen here with my very good friends Susie and Sara.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Wedding Menu!

Sean is helping me update the blog this morning. A little late, but here it is: 



Carrot and cardamom soup, tiger prawns 


Seared and marinated Loch Duart salmon,
pickled beetroot, horseradish ice cream


Lobster and crayfish ravioli,
coconut and lemon grass bisque


Fillet of beef Wellington with Parma ham,
braised vegetables, Madeira jus


Raspberries and elderflower with mascarpone cheese


Cold Valrhona chocolate and almond fondant,
salted almond ice cream


Coffee or infusions and chocolates

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Midweek Quality Time

With the man having breakfast by the park in Lancaster Gate, deciding on our preferred menu for the the wedding reception at Gordon Ramsay's - Not an easy task,  but must finish it today so will post later on the blog. Ciao!

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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

New ipad case

I definitely believe iPads should be encased, for the main reason; its price tag! This case (as opposed to the sleeve) folds over, so you can use it as a viewing stand too, and will look fab as you sip your champs on holiday in the South of France (or the Maldives for that matter) LOL!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Brad? No it's Bear!

I just love this photo of Bear from the early 1980s (when I was only a little girl lol), which reminds me of a young Brad Pitt in Thelma and Louise! :-)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

A snippet of our Sunday

Today we dropped by Covent Garden for a coffee and a stroll, on our way to get the boys fitted for their kilts to be worn on the big day

Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday Sixteenth September, Two Thousand and eleven

Big bunch of lilies fills our living room with a gorgeous and happy scent this weekend!

TODAY I am feeling happy! It’s Friday, I had fairly good night’s sleep, the weather is beautiful, I am going to get MARRIED in exactly two weeks and the tickets for our honeymoon has just arrived! It suddenly dawned on me that this is REAL, it’s actually happening and boy am I looking forward to my BIG DAY!

Bear and I spent ages coming up with songs for our wedding reception playlist


I will be admiring father and son swimming at our country club followed by a leisurely lunch

De-clutter my wardrobe in prep for Autumn

Choosing which clutch to wear at the wedding. It’s between a white YSL or Prada.

Having a baby sitter over to get introduced to Sean and play with him for a couple of hour whilst we are still at home. This is what you call the “settling” period when you first get a babysitter, as opposed to just leave your child alone with an unknown person.

Bear and Sean will get fitted for their kilts

Watch a movie; “Friends with Benefit”

Well that’s all I can think of right now anyway..

Have a wonderful Friday and a very happy weekend!

Maldives - here we come! :-)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Inside Info

Earlier this morning we went for breakfast at my favourite cafe, Entre Nous on York Street, W1> They serve the most yummy and fresh salads you can get in Marylebone!

What's the most romantic spot in London? 
In the Avenue Gardens (in Regents Park)
There are water fountains and so many unusual trees and flowers and its constantly replanted throughout the year. And in the early Spring the whole area is filled with cherry blossom.

What would you do if you were Mayor for a day?
 Extend cycle lanes and build new safe ones

If I could change anything about myself I’d… have more patience. It would help me a great deal in my attempt of trying to become the best mum I can possibly be.

My partner laughs at me.. As I always prepare and put a carton of long life milk before we travel anywhere, so that I can make myself a milky cup of tea first thing on our return

What are your favourite home comforts? Our perfectly soft Hungarian goose down pillows and our bed which has an integrated flat screen TV that retracts in to the bottom of bed frame at the touch of a button in just a few seconds.

The most expensive thing I’ve ever frittered money on is... when I was a singleton and turned 30, I celebrated and splashed out on a first class ticket with Virgin Atlantic (where they actually call it "Upper Class") to Miami, which could have bought me at least three if not four designer handbags– but yes, it was worth it if you want to know! LOL

My greatest weakness is... Swedish crisps undoubtedly rose champagne

Which London shops do you rely on?
 Starbucks at the bottom of my street, Waitrose for my groceries and Selfridges for anything else.

Not a lot of people know this but I’m very good at... geography and pointing out countries and their capitals.

The best day of my life… was becoming a mum. It’s my proudest moment ever!

My “happy place” is... In Sweden on my Mums hammock chair on her wooden deck terrace

When I'm feeling down for me or for my son, or listen to music

My favourite place in Britain is: Loch Lomond in Scotland - it’s where Bear and I first travelled to together, and it’s breathtakingly beautiful and so romantic

The best thing my parents ever taught me: is being grateful, and good manners. People always used to say to me growing up that I’m very polite.

Favourite pub in London: The Grazing Goat. Perfectly located behind oxford street, AND with crawling distance home. They do great burgers and insanely good espresso martinis, perfect after spending the day shopping in town.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Fresh flowers & haircut

Rushing home with fresh flowers, just in time for my hairdresser's arrival for a much needed trim!

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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Stats of my upcoming nuptials

Ceremony: small private event at the Westminster Register Office, Marylebone

Reception: Private dining room at Gordon Ramsay's, Claridges

Guests Invited: 11 (immediate family only)

Transport: Rolls Royce Phantom in pearl white

Flowers: Lily of the valley

Music: Lauren Wood - "Fallen":

Monday, September 12, 2011

Monday morning preps

Not much of a tan left from our Turkey holiday -  although it shall be topped up on our upcoming honeymoon in warmer latitudes! :-)

Good Morning! Can I just say that I was overwhelmed by the amount of lovely messages I have received here on the blog over the weekend. It really brought a smile to my face (and Bear's, as we read them together). I was also amazed to see comments from so many "new" readers - thank you for introducing yourselves! :-)
Well, with only three(!) weeks away until we become husband and wife, preparations are in full effect already!

I can only imagine the stress brought upon you on your big day, so therefore I have now booked an hour's massage for my Mum and I, on the morning of the wedding. 

Massage is just one of those things that is incredibly good for the soul. And body too of course! It melts away all sorts of tension and there are so many other benefits too, as it helps relieving pain, it releases endorphins which makes you feel happy, it improves circulation and reduces stress. You simply can't go wrong with a massage!  

I have booked one hour's Thai massage to relieve stress on the day of our wedding, at the Lemongrass Boutique Spa, only down the road from me. 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

It's official - we are engaged to get married!

Bear and I have been together almost 5 years now and on Friday evening  the took me out for a *special night* 

The outfit for the evening

We went to Michelin starred Galvins, on the 28th floor at The Hilton Park Lane - my beef was amazing - the most succulent and tasty I have ever had

Bear chose Brill with mussels

And then... Bear presented me with this huge(!) and so so beautiful vintage looking (just what I wanted) cushion-cut diamond, surrounded by bead-set diamonds,  and 'popped the question.'!

It is the perfect ring and I am over the moon 

The setting, meal and whole evening was just right, against the backdrop of the London skyline

And of course, my favourite - rose champagne helped with our celebrations

Lovely touch from the chef and staff at the restaurant - now we are looking forward to our Big Day and becoming a married couple on the 30th of September! :-)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Its the little things..

I am currently in love with my new handbag hook. This pretty little thing has made my life a lot easier lol,  and I really recommend all women to own one

I bought it in Aspinal of London and it came wrapped up in a pretty package 
You simply place the hook on the edge of a table when you are out in a cafe or restaurant to avoid getting your favourite handbag (here in my case the Prada Zaffiano Luxe) dirty underneath :-)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Autumn Glory - RE POST

Good Morning!

It's become something of an annual occurrence  to repost this old blogpost that I did way back. And as we woke up to a cold windy and rainy morning, I thought yep, Summer is definitely over and the seasons are changing again,. I love living in a climate that experiences noticeable changes in the seasons every few months and visually, Autumn is no doubt my most favorite season

So here it is yet again, with a few additions:


Although London is always full of tourists, the major crowds seems to die down, the city seems a little quieter and less busy, so it's the perfect time to enjoy the last few days of the caffs' and restaurants' outside seatings, breathe in the crisp autumn air and watch the leaves in Hyde Park go from green to yellow and red.

The brilliant display of colours and the way the leaves fall and gently blow in the wind seems so peaceful relaxing

I enjoy the perfect medium (Swedes, read: "lagom") between freezing and hot; cool

Soups - I could live on soups. and a crusty newly baked bread or baguette from nearby french bakery, PAUL

A nice cup of spicy Chai latte, while curled up with Bear and Sean on the sofa with our cosy blanket after a long day

being able to curl up in a warm sweater without boiling, and with a good book in one hand and a hot cup of chocolate in the other

my morning jog is more of a pleasure in the crisp Autumn air 

Socks and slippers - a proper excuse to wear one of all my silly pairs of slippers/UGG-type shoes. As soon as the nights get colder and temperatures drop, I pull out my favourites including my comfy PJ's (Primark is great for those!), and matching slippers and socks. So cozy! :-)

Boots - You can simply never have enough pairs of boots. Hunter wellies, soft and supple ones that goes with anything, over the knee boots, or a pair of stylish riding boots.  Boots are a must in Autumn!

The evenings that are chilly enough to light lots of candles everywhere (but not cold enough to put on the central heating).

Sleeping with the windows open and laying in some mornings with Bear, snuggling under a few duvets 

I can't wait to jump through puddles and leaves with Sean, who this time last year was not yet walking

Romance - for some reason, Autumn seem to remind me of blossoming love (new romance for the singletons), and getting a taste of that romantic bug, have a weekend break in a country side hotel with a log fire etc.

Wardrobe changes - I really enjoy bringing out the neutral colours and then of course the layering. I LOVE layering. B'friend - cardigans, light sweaters and v-neck jumpers, big woolly or cashmere scarves etc. Luv it all!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Saturday, September 3, 2011

A night in

A pot of Earl Grey, candles lit and a cosy duvet on the sofa - all set for X-factor!

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Friday, September 2, 2011

Dinner with mah boyz

Nice to be having dinner outside in September. Haven't had a great Summer, so the warm weather is very welcome! PS Gosh I fancy my man :-)
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Happy Weekend!

Picture taken by Bear whilst on his friends yacht in Turkey last week

1. Today I feel... optimistic!
2. Right now I am wearing... my new silk blouse with ruffles on the sleeves that I got from Phase Eight yesterday + old denim mini shorts
3. Last night... I made a chilli con carne for dinner with a salad for Bear and I and did a Moroccan Oil treatment mask for my hair
4. Currently I want, but hesitating... to book myself in for an eyelash extension as procedure takes 2 hours
5. Last film I saw and enjoyed? From Paris with love with John Travolta
6. Thought for the day ? I am so ready to take on this weekend which promises 25 degrees here in the capital, whoopee!

7. Current favourite snack: Atkins Advantage Chocolate Brownie Bar with 18g protein and 1.1g sugar
  8.Song that I keep listening to over and over again: "Moves like Jagger", see below
9. Currently I spend too much time... browsing new suitable apps for the ipad that suits Sean

And with that, I'll leave you with this insanely good, catchy and new tune by Maroon 5 and Christina Aguilera. Have a wonderful Friday and a very happy weekend!

This really makes me want to get up and dance!

Thursday, September 1, 2011